Senior Mens Lacrosse Team

Team History
The Senior Jamaican Men’s Lacrosse Team first entered the World Lacrosse Championships in 2018 in Netanya, Israel. The team finished with a record of 7-1 in it’s first championship tournament. The Jamaican Men were ranked 13th in the world after their first event!
In 2022, World Lacrosse implemented Regional Qualifiers for entry into the 2023 World Lacrosse Championships. The team traveled to Medellin, Colombia for the Pan American Lacrosse Association Regional Qualifier. Team Jamaica finished the tournament with a Silver Medal and a spot in the 2023 World Lacrosse Championships in San Diego, California.
Team Jamaica made history at the 2023 World Championships! The team went undefeated in pool play, and beat team Italy to earn a meeting with Team Canada in the round of 8! Although they fell to Canada, and lost a tough overtime game to Israel, Team Jamaica finished the tournament ranked #8 in the world! This is the highest a Jamaican Men’s sports Team has finished in a World Championship in Jamaican sports history!
Currently the Jamaican Men’s lacrosse program is preparing for its first ever entry to the World Box Championships in Utica, NY in September of 2024.

Upcoming Events
2024 Men's Box Lacrosse Championships
Utica, New York, United States
September 20-29
2025 PALA Regional Qualifier for 2027 Men’s Championships
Location TBD
Date TBD
2026 Men's Sixes Championship
Location TBD
Date TBD
2027 Men’s World Championships
Date TBD
2028 Olympics
Los Angeles, California, United States
July 14 - 30
A message from Coach Wilson
If you are Jamaican (born in Jamaica or have a parent or grandparent born in Jamaica) and you play lacrosse, we would very much like to join our player pool. If you love Jamaica, love lacrosse, and are interested in helping us on our journey, we would like to get to know you. Please email us an introduction!
Contact: jamaicalacrosse@gmail.com