Jamaica Lacrosse Association Presents:
Taino and Maroon Cup High School Competition
The Taino & Maroon Cups. The Taino Cup, named to honor the indigenous roots of the sports of lacrosse (The sport was first played by the ancestors of the Taino people in North America) is the boys HS Championship, while the Maroon Cup honors the roots of the perseverance of African slaves in Jamaica, and is awarded to the girls HS Champions.
Our first high school boys’ and girls’ competitions were played in 2014 and are now held annually between January and March.
During recent years, there were approximately 19 high school teams in the competition (10 High School boys’ and 9 High School girls’ teams). However, for the 2023/2024 season, we had more high schools participating. KC, St, Georges College, Jamaica College, Wolmer’s Boys’, and Campion are a few of the more popular schools in the boys’ competition. St. Hugh’s, Immaculate, Wolmer’s Girls’, XLCR, St. Catherine High and Campion are a few of the more popular schools involved in the girls’ competition.
Each lacrosse team has a roster of twenty (20) players and with the entry of a number of other schools, we had over five hundred (400+) combined boys and girls involved in the competition this year alone.
The schools are presently situated only in Kingston & St. Andrew and only one school in St. Catherine.
Participating Schools
St. Catherine High School
Thompson Town High School
Excelsior High School
Wolmers Girls High School
Jamaica College
St. George's College
Kingston College
Campion College
Calabar High
Penwood High School
St. Hughs High School
Wolmer's Boys